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The MGEU is fighting forward once again for the Dauphin jail.

The group has set up a meeting with the legislature to present the hundreds of names signed on their petition to stop the closure.

MGEU president Michelle Gawronsky is hoping to see some steps forward.

“The most responsible thing that can come out of this petition presentation is that this government will acknowledge that the Dauphin Jail is a necessity. It is needed, not just for Dauphin and surrounding areas but for all of Manitoba. Our goal and our hope is that this government will cease the closure until the new structure is built.”

She adds that this is the largest petition that they’ve had.

“Many, many Manitobans outside the area have contacted us to be able to sign. Families of inmates have gotten copies to get signatures towards this. It’s not just the folks that work in the jail. It’s not just the community, but it’s also the inmates and their families.”

Gawronsky will be at the meeting along with correctional officers and concerned and affected citizens.