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We reported on Friday that the Dauphin Correctional Centre Coalition group received a letter from Justice Minister Cliff Cullen.

Larry Budzinski, a co-founder of the group, says the letter tries to provide the rationale for what he thinks is a very terrible decision.

“We don’t agree with the points made and we think it’s even misleading at some points. But none the less, that’s the minister’s stance. I think he misses the whole point of our request, which is why are we doing this in the first place? There’s a better way of doing this and we just need to slow down.”

Budzinski says while the group was at the mall Friday, they received unanimous support from across the region.

“I’ve never seen anything like this. People are upset and concerned about the decision, we don’t see it as being necessary at all, financially, socially, or any other reasons that the minister has said. We just think it’s bad and his letter just doesn’t address what we really requested.”

In the letter, Cullen said his office would reach out to set up a meeting and that meeting is happening on Thursday.

Budzinski says they’ll talk about why this is a terrible decision, why they should pause and work with the local partners in the region to build something innovative and creative, rather than destroy things.

“We’re quite willing, there are models out there, we’re convinced there are partners to build a correction wellness centre, treatment centre. There are plans that have been in the works for years, we have the land, there’s no reason to rush into this decision. Just put it on pause 'til we can plan and have the region move towards replacing this and not causing so much social and economic problems. I feel for the families involved, I feel for the businesses in town and a simple decision, he could just stop this now and put it on pause until we find something better.”

Budzinski says if you’re disturbed by the decision and think you can help out, email them at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..