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Occasionally needles can be found on the ground and in parks.

Rob Tuff with the Dauphin RCMP says to be as safe as you can when dealing with needles, the needle should be placed securely inside a bottle, Tuff says ideally a bleach bottle but a laundry detergent bottle or plastic pop bottle work too, once secure, the bottle can be taken to any PMH facility. PMH suggests tongs, pliers or tweezers when picking up the needle, pointing the tip down and away from the body, and don’t put the cap back on the needle.

Tuff adds the reason for taking needles to Prairie Mountain Health is the RCMP doesn’t have a storage facility and way to dispose of needles like the health unit.

“Not that we don’t pick them up, I mean we can, but when it comes to the disposal of them, we’re not equipped for that.”

According to PMH, if a needle were to poke you, let the puncture site bleed and don’t squeeze it. It helps flush germs away. Wash the area with soap and water. Then go to an emergency room as soon as possible. There, they'll be able to assess exposure, risk and provide the necessary care. PMH adds the risk of infection is very low.