FS Pair of men’s XL insulated Workhorse coveralls, like new - $90
FS Men’s XL leather coat in good condition - $40
FS Milwaukee electrical stapler, with staples
FS Electric yard and garden chipper
FS Metal ammunition container from the Second World War
Text 204-572-0847
LF Chain case for a 1997 Polaris 500, with reverse, complete
GA Whirlpool Cabrio Platinum washer for parts
FS Whirlpool dryer - BO
FS (4) 16” 6-hole galvanized trailer rims - $400
FS Two-stroke ice auger, just serviced with 8 and 10” augers - $130
LF Bottle calves now until spring
Call 204-381-2582 or text 204-647-1847 (leave a message)
LF Parts: Yamaha Ski-Doo XL with 500 motor in it; 1999 is the year of the skidoo
LF Avon sales rep in the Dauphin area
LF The 2 organs for sale on last weeks Bargain Bin listings (Wednesday and Thursday) – those phone numbers were out of service
204-638-0472 (leave a message)
FS Complete snow goose hunting setup; comes with 120 green head gear 5x8 shell decoys with motion stakes and e-caller with 4 speakers
FS 26 Ram #1 Power Snares
Text 204-572-0847, evenings and weekends
FS Canon Powershot SX130 IS digital camera; includes wrist strap, manual, USB cord, and SD memory card - $70
FS (20) interlocking foam tiles and ends, 2’x2’, various colours
FS Guardian folding walker with wheels and sliders, has 8 height adjustments - $40
FS (6) Mickey & Bunny vinyl LP records - $50
FS Brass prep, cleaning, trimming etc. – text for details
FS Cross country skis - $40
LF Rifle brass or lead and copper, any caliber – will pick it up
LF Square hay bale
Text 204-592-0044
FS Tecumseh 29” Yard Machine snowblower, 10.5HP, with electric start and Treme auger, in very good condition - $875
LF Snowmobile lift stand
LF Snowmobile dollies
LF Someone that sharpens ice auger blades
Text 204-572-6477 (leave a message)
GA Mix breed puppies, they will be medium sized dogs
GA 12-week old puppies; they are rottie, terrier, boxer and black lab cross from their mom and shepherd, Great Pyrenees, golden retriever cross from their dad’s side
Call/text 204-647-5175
FS Apartment sized dryer, that plugs into regular electrical outlet
FS Alfalfa grass hay bales, 1500lbs
FS 2000 MXZ Rotax 440 skidoo
FS 2008 Polaris 600 HOIQ Touring CFI
FS 2004 Dodge Ram 1500 Laramie quad cab
Contact Andrew at 431-275-2226
FS Diesel fuel pump, meter and nozzle - reasonable offers only
FS Smaller Ford truck parts and accessories, new and used from 70s, 80s and 90s
FS Pink insulation and heat tape, brand new
204-647-6154 (Leave a message)
LF 28-30” buzz saw blade for wood
FS Large entertainment centre with 2 big cabinets - BO
FS Gas powered water pump and 6000watt generator with electric start - BO
FS Small and large cattle head gates, electric fencers, insulators, tensioners and more - BO
Call for details: 204-647-1031
FS Sony DVD home theatre surround sound system with speakers and digital amp, excellent condition - $150
FS Metal twin bed frame, like new - $55
FS Motorized arm chair, leather with no rips, green in colour; power cord needs fixing - $200
LF Snowblower parts, either Cub Cadet or MTD
FS (4) Goodyear Wrangler tires, size 275/65R18 - $200
FS (4) Hankook tires, size 205/70R17 - $125
FS Oak fireplace - $200
Call 656-4155
FS Farm implement trailer, extended hitch, black - $2000
FS Ski-Doo - $2000
FS Albums of birds and animals, Red Rose tea cards - $40
638-4150 or 647-0569 (leave a message)
FS (2) loader tires, size 20.5x25 - $500 for both
FS (1) Michelin tire, size 17.5x25 - $100
FS Assortment of steel rims, 4 and 5 bolt patterns
FS International model 80 3-point hitch snowblower, 87” duct
FS Birch firewood
FS Grey lab electric dark room timer, 45 years old, never used - $75 OBO
FS (2) wireless routers; one is missing a connecting wire - $15 for both or $10 each
FS fitness flyer exercise machine, good condition, 60
638-5594 or 647-0122; can text photos
FS 10,000lb. 2-post hoist, brand new
FS Fishing model Otto XL fishing tent, bench with light, brand new
FS Dry and seasoned spruce firewood, cut and split - $230
FS Leon loader, from a Case 870 tractor, come with mount - $900
FS 2000 Chevy truck with 6L gas engine, rebuilt transmission, and lots more – call for details