FS Whirlpool 1-piece upright washer/dryer unit in very good condition - BO
FS Fitbit Surge - BO
LF Old dealership, gas station, general store signs, air pumps, gas pumps, oil cans etc.: White Rose, Red Indian, Buffalo Oil, Texaco brands or any other kind you may have, located in the Dauphin area – cash in hand
FS (3) cat towers, various heights
FS (3) covered litter boxes
FS (2) pet carriers, small-medium size
Text 204-803-6268
FS (550) large round alfalfa grass hay mix bales, weight 1450lbs., located in Ste. Rose
Call/text 431-739-5817
FS Electric motors, ½ - 7HP, Baldor brand and others - prices vary
FS Treated 2x8x12 brown, and treated green 2x6 lumber
GA Magazines and books
204-546-2808 (Leave a message)
FS Set of bob sleighs in good condition, stored inside
FS 16.40kg weights for back of a 3-point hitch tractor
Call/text 204-572-0060
FS Feed oats - $4/bushel
FS Baffin winter boots, size 10
FS Mukluks, Native Pen, beaver
FS Military mitts rated for extreme cold
FS Various Christmas tree stands; plastic stands or up to cast iron stand - $5 and up
FS Infrared heater, 1500watt, cabinet style - $115
FS Homemade ice chisels with ring on the end, rope, 1” cold steel, (2), 85 for 6’, or $45 for 4’ to 5’
LF Older or new Mike Hawke books
FS Merrell brand cross-country ski boots, size 8
FS Bionaire cool-air humidifier
FS (2) sets of binoculars, 10x50, also 7x35 - $55 for both
FS 8x8 partially insulated ice fishing shack; comes with wood burning stove, wood box for storage and seating, fibers for easier mobility and disassembles for easy towing - $1500 OBO
LF A recoil for a 2000 skidoo snowmobile, metal cover and a band to go around it
FS DR-HO’S circulation motor, for foot and leg pain
FS Stand for underneath a washer or dryer, with adjustable legs - $20
FS Tonneau cover, off a 2017 GMC Sierra
LF An iPhone in working condition