FS Antique dresser with beveled mirror, original oak finish - $700
FS Antique mirror, from 1895, has wood carved accents on both sides - $300
FS Quantity of tires, 14” to 20”, all mud and snow - $50 to $100 each
638-4150 or 647-0569
LF A ride into Winnipeg
FS 2011 Ford Fiesta with 211,000kms, safetied - $6500 OBO
Call for details: 204-572-7496
FS 82 Dura Tuff grouser ice lug corks for a dozer excavator, 3”x1”x ½”, 82 count, USA steel - $50
Call/Text 204-572-8282 (leave a message)
FS Sharp double head cassette player and recorder, Yamaha AM-FM stereo, and 120 rock and country cassettes - $400
FS (550) large round alfalfa grass hay mix bales, 1450lbs., located in Ste. Rose
Call/text 431-739-5817 (leave a message)
FS 2007 Ski-Doo Blizzard 800 with new top end, newer track, hand and thumb warmers, reverse, and electric start - $3950 OBO
FS Men’s black leather jacket, size medium - $100
FS 1x6x6’ oak for wood working
FS Jiffy model 30 - $180
FS 7x8 ice shack with (2) PVC hole covers and tin outside, never used - $3200
FS (2) pairs of binoculars - $55 for both
FS Hanging, swag lamp - $25
LF Electric meat grinder
FS Like new, modified Bear Paw snowshoes with harness - $150
FS (4) 6-hole galvanized trailer rims - $410
FS Two-stroke gas ice auger with 8 and 10” bits - $130
LF Someone with a cricut machine, to pay to help with a Christmas project
LF Tires for a Chevy Equinox, size 225/60R18
FS International model 80, 3-point hitch snowblower, with single auger and hydraulic shoot, 87” cut
FS Birch firewood - call for details
FS Electric power tools, reciprocating saws, drills, powered nailer, etc.
FS Sewing machines: (2) Singer and (1) Kenmore brand
FS Green treated 2x6 lumber, shedded
204-647-6154 (leave a message)
FS Square wheat straw bales, east of Angusville
FS (200) round soft core hay bales, Upland hay, west of Silverton
FS Older grain roller, in good shape
LF Ice shack, 3 or 4 people in size; something easy to pull on lake
FS Wood heater, brand new, never used; it takes 16”-18” wood logs
FS Hardwood, to make sleighs or something
FS 2014 Dodge Ram with 4x4, a 6.7 liter Diesel Cummings engine, and automatic transmission - for parts or whole
FS (4) studded tires on black metal rims, size 205/65R15 - $400
FS 4-blade ceiling fan, with remote
FS (2) tires, size LT285/65R18
FS #10 meat grinder - $20
FS Brand new CD player - $25
FS Knitted socks and mitts - $10 for mitts, socks are $20
FS (4) tires off a 2015 Silverado, size 255/75R17; 2 have rims, 2 are without rims
FS 3000watt generator - $400
FS Push pumper; didn’t fit a Chevy - $200
Call/text 572-5782