LF 15” truck tires
LF ATV Blade
FS Heavy duty double wide snowmobile trailer, 8 x 10’, tires 8.5 x 8, exc. Cond. - $1800
648-3457 or 638-9889
LF 1971 Allis Chalmers 190 XTD for parts or working, or 3 stage hydraulic pump for same
Call or text 648-7383 or 548-2932
FS 1992 MX 470 Ski doo, liquid cooled, amazing shape, great for a beginner - $1700 obo
447-0346 for more details
FS 4 winter tires on rims, 225/60R 17, with 2 wheel covers - $80
FS Larry Mahon black leather western boots, ladies size 5 ½ - 6, great cond. - $40
FS New window 42 x 36 vinyl wrapped slider, 1.5” brickmold w/cap, always shedded - $750
FS ¼ and ½” air impacts & air chisel - $100
LF A 22 Hornet in good shape, name brand doesn’t matter
GA Mixed breed puppies, they will be 8 weeks old next week, they are completely weaned & eating chow, call for more information
LF Top load washer & dryer, preferable Maytag
LF 30” electric stove
LF 30” Kenmore Electric stove for parts
GA Black male kitten, very cuddly & litter trained
FS 550 large round Alfalfa grass hay mix, weight 1450 lbs
FS 7x8 insulated ice shack w/stove, 2 pvc hole covers, LED light & bench - $3600
LF Husqvarna and Stihl chainsaws
FS Farm King Model 740, three point hitch snowblower, 74 inch, new cond. - $3000
FS (10) 4x8 sheets of plywood and some smaller pieces
FS 3 sewing machines priced to sell
FS Ski doo blizzard 340 in good shape, low miles.
FS Mint condition large entertainment center with new electric fireplace
FS Assorted 3/8 and ½” chains, hooks, straps, jack-alls – BO
FS Hand and air tools in various types and sizes
call or text for details 647-1031
FS 500cc Free Air Spirit motor, from approx. a 1980’s Arctic Cat snowmobile, runs, needs carb tuneup
LF Husqvarna 272 chainsaw for parts
LF A set of Ukrainian pattern dishes, with bowls & cups & saucers if possible
FS Couch, folds up into a bed, $80
FS Skidoo, 89-90 wildcat 650, rebuilt motor, new track, comes with cover - $2000 firm
FS Gretzky Lady Byng trophy hockey card - $30 firm
638-4150 cell 647-0569
LF Old straw curling brooms
LF A treadmill nothing too fancy
FS Infrared heater, 1500w, has timer, asking $115 obo
FS Christmas tree stands from $5 and up to heavy duty metal ones
FS ice chisels, large one $75
FS Ice fishing outfit
FS Tecumseh motor, 8” tines, 6; length - $250
FS About 80’ of evergreen garland, battery operated lights, - asking $100 for the entire thing
FS Christmas tree, evergreen, all metal construction, 6’8” - $60
Can deliver anywhere in Dauphin 204-648-3998
FS Set of heavy duty tractor chains, with an 18.4 x 34 tractor tire - $200
FS Electric boiler for a workshop - $150
FS Bionaire cool mist humidifier - $80
FS Black and Decker toaster oven - $35
FS Variety of older furniture
FS 79 enticer 340 long track, reverse, electric start – bo
FS (2) flatscreen tv’s one is 32” other is 39”, remote controls
will deliver in dauphin 638-8176
LF 6 cylinder gas engine for a 403 or a 715 IHC combine