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Dauphin and Ste. Rose Co-ops are accepting donations in support of the Humboldt Broncos.

Monetary donations can be made as well as special cupcakes are for sale, with all the proceeds going to the SJHL Assistance Program.

Joan Chetyrbok, the Marketing Manager at the Dauphin Consumers Co-op, explains what’s going on.

“Today they can stop in at any of our locations, make any type of donations that they like and we’ll match. And we are selling cupcakes today for $3.99 with a green ribbon on them.”

She also tells 730 CKDM about how those in the Parkland can show support.

“Federated Co-op has stepped up to help fund the Saskatchewan Junior Hockey League Assistance Program. It’s a new thing they started to help all the teams, the parents, and the communities that are dealing with this.”

The Dauphin Minor Hockey players will be at the Food Store between 4:00 p.m. & 7:00 p.m. and the Ste. Rose Minor Hockey players will be at the Ste. Rose Home Centre from 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m., where they will be filling their helmets with donations.